Friday, October 29, 2010

Something to think about during leining

When I was in yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel, R' Elya Baruch Finkel Ztz"l was well known for (among other things) his fascinating shiur on the inyan of Shidduchim that he would give every year on Friday night of Parshas Chayei Sara. The shiur was given in his apartment in Arzei Habira and it was packed. One year, the year before I started dating I was zoche to go hear this shiur. Although I unfortunately do not remember much of what was said (Baruch Hashem I got married soon afterwards), however one thing stands out in my mind.

If I'm not mistaken , he said it in the name of Rav Shach Ztz"l. He said that the same way that although there is no section in Shlchan Aruch dealing with the halachos of Lashon Hara, rather we all accept the sefer Chafetz Chaim as the "Shulchan Aruch" on hilchos lashon hara, so too although there is no Shulchan Aruch on the halachos of shidduchim, the parsha of Rifka and Eliezer is our Shulchan Aruch on these halachos.

On a side note , while searching for a picture of REBF , I found this. I'm not really sure he would have approved a Facebook page for this.

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